We are partnered with Slingshot to provide our students with a concierge textbook experience! If you would like all of your required textbooks delivered to your mailbox automatically, you do nothing! Just show up for orientation and your books will be waiting for you in the Mail Center. Your student account will be billed.

You can also choose to source your textbooks à la carte from Slingshot or anywhere you choose. To do that, follow the textbook prompts on the textbook website and select “opt out” under your Slingshot account. You can then navigate to the ‘buy books” tab and purchase the books you would like from there.

Please go to our textbook website to view your textbook orders or change your options. Log in with your Westmont user name and password.

All Westmont Bookstore textbook orders will be available for pick-up at the Campus Mail Center. Please review the Mail Center hours of operation.


• Click on the following link: https://westmont.slingshotedu.com/#/landing

• Log in using your Westmont user name and password.


My Account
  • This is where you select your preference. As you see, you are automatically opted-in to receive all of your required textbooks in the form of a rental. You can change that preference to any of the selections below. Please note that if you do opt-out, you still have the opportunity to purchase your books à la carte in the "Buy Books" tab. 
  • Shipping  - shipping is free when shipped to the college. Unless you want to pay for shipping to your home, please select Prefer Campus Delivery/Pickup.
Transaction History
  • You'll have no transaction history until an order is placed
My Course Materials
  • Again, you'll have no rented or purchased course materials until an order is placed
Buy Books
  • This is where you can see all required and optional course materials for all of your classes. Feel free to go to class first before ordering any of your optional textbooks. Sometimes the professors strongly recommend them while others are just giving additional reading opportunities. Again, if you have selected Rent, Buy New or Buy Used under your account you do nothing on this page. It is simply informational or a place to order optional books.
  • If you have changed your preference to "opt-out" or à la carte, you can select the books you wish to rent or buy on this page and check out with the shopping cart in the upper right. 
**Paying for your books
  • If you are opted in, your books will automatically be charged to your student account. This means that any financial aid or credit in your account will fund your textbooks!
  • If you are purchasing books à la carte, you will check out with a credit card. If you have financial aid to use you can call customer support on the website and they can take your order over the phone and charge your student account. Please make sure you have your student ID handy when you call.
Extra FAQs:

  • CHECKING OUT - Choose Rent, Purchase New, Used or Digital - Once you've selected ANY of those options, with the EXCEPTION of OPT-OUT, you are done! Your order will automatically be fulfilled around August 16 and then shipped to campus. Your student account will be charged. There is no need to check out! 
You'll only check out utilizing the shopping cart if you have selected opt-out. You'll be required to pay via credit card unless you call Slingshot's customer service number and let them know you want to order through them utilizing your student account.

  • INCLUSIVE ACCESS - If you see a required book that says Inclusive Access next to the title, this means the course materials are in digital format. The entire class will use the same course materials. These may include quizzes, additional resources and an ebook. 
    All you need to do is go to class and the professor will guide you through how to access the course materials through the Canvas platform. You will also receive an emailed message from our textbook manager, Leslie Smith, walking you through the process.
    Your student account will be charged automatically for those course materials.
  • Many of you have noticed that there are also options to purchase printed books. This is in addition to the digital materials. We recommend going to class first before purchasing a print version as the ebook may be sufficient for studying.
  • GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR TEXTBOOK PURCHASES - unfortunately, Slingshot is unable to accept gift certificates from the College Store. You can, however, use your GC's to purchase supplies, apparel, sundries, gifts, lab readers, course packs, journals food etc. from the College Store. You can use them in store and online. Thank you!
  • Readers, lab manuals and course packs will be available to purchase in the store. (If preferred, you may use your student account to purchase these.)
  • The College store may also have print copies of recommended titles available for sale.


• Textbook Rentals must be returned in good condition, no water damage or stains.

• Due date is the last day of finals.


• You will receive an email informing you of our rental return location.

After hours return at the campus post office. Each book must be in a sealed envelope with your ID# and name clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. Use the mail slot labeled Rental Returns. Unlabeled books will not be credited toward the renter's account.

• If not returned, you will be charged the difference between the rental and purchase price.


Textbooks are returnable the first week of class. (The first two days during mayterm) 

• New books must be in pristine condition or the used price will be given.

• Bundled texts must be in the original shrink wrap to be returnable.

•  Readers and course packs are non-returnable.

Dropped Class

Textbooks may be returned up to the last day to withdraw from a class. A new schedule along with the original receipt must be presented. New books must be in pristine condition or the used price will be given. Bundled texts must be in the original shrink wrap to be returnable.

Thank you for supporting the Westmont Bookstore!


Westmont Bookstore
955 La Paz Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93108


Sat-Sun (3/8-3/9) CLOSED
Monday (3/10) 9:00am-4:00pm
T-Th (3/11-3/13) CLOSED
Friday (3/14) 9:00am-4:00pm
Sat-Sun (3/15-3/16) CLOSED

Monday-Friday 8:45-4:30
(closed for chapel)
Saturday 10:30-2:30
(closed holiday weekends)

Monday-Friday 9:00-4:30

(805) 565-6064 Store Questions
(805) 565-6067 Textbook Questions

2025 © Westmont Bookstore. All Rights Reserved.